Fire Safety & Prevention Tips

Having a good fireplace in your house, especially during the cold winters, can make a huge difference in your home comfort. However, a fireplace needs regular inspection and maintenance in order to function properly. Moreover, those using the fireplace need to be aware of the potential hazards and keep them in mind while relaxing in front of a warm fire in the fall or winter.

Listed below are some of the most important fire safety protocols and prevention techniques to ensure that your family can enjoy a safe and cozy evening in front of a fire. Read on!

·      The first thing you need to do is to check the fireplace thoroughly before you start a fire. Make sure that the damper or flue is open before you kindle. And check for any chimney blockage.

·      Install a fire hazard prevention glass in front of the fire. Sometimes, when a fire is burning, this glass or panel becomes rather hot. Make sure your children do not touch the glass to prevent accidental burns.

·      Make sure there are no flammable items near the fireplace, as things such as books, drapes, newspapers, etc. can catch fire very quickly.

·      Once you have ensured that everything is okay, it is time to start the fire. Cut the wood into small pieces. This will allow them to burn more evenly and also produce less smoke.

·      Use properly dried and aged wood to get more heat and less smoke.

·      Once you have finished with the fire, put it out before you leave. Never leave a fire unattended, especially if you have children in your house.

·      After putting out the fire, it is important to remove the ashes. This will ensure that your next fire burns properly and that your fireplace needs minimum yearly maintenance.

·      As a safety measure, you should install a fire extinguisher near the fireplace.

·      Another thing you can do to enhance your home’s fire safety is to install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. This will ensure that you have minimal fire hazards, and if they occur, you can address them quickly.

·      You can also keep windows just slightly open to allow a little ventilation.

·      Get your fireplace and chimney inspected by a professional once every year. Also, check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors every month.

So what are you waiting for? Call a professional to maintain a good fireplace and give your family the pleasure of enjoying hazard-free fires in the colder months.

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